Friday, May 29, 2020
What to Do About Do You Have to Include Your Achievement in Your College Essay
What to Do About Do You Have to Include Your Achievement in Your College Essay Consider how you'll handle the questions or topics you're requested to write about and this will help you begin a scholarship essay. The essay is where to allow the admissions office of your intended college get to understand your personality, character, and the talents and techniques that aren't on your transcript. A college admissions essay has a lot of goals. Writing the college application essay is a difficult gig. Unfortunately, stumbling in the TMI zone of essay topics is more prevalent than you believe. If you've ever wondered about how to initiate a scholarship essay, it's simpler if you remember a few vital points. Even if you believe yourself a very good writer, the idea of cranking out an essay that will determine whether you will get into college can leave you in a cold sweat. There's some controversy concerning the value of the college essay but, for the time being, it's a mandatory inclusion for the majority of applications so that you should choose the opportunity to learn exactly what you should and ought not to include in your essay for the best outcomes. In reality, my career isn't really long but I really enjoy the progress I have already made since the beginning of my professional work. Not everybody needs to be the star at everything. Then helping people to discover how amazing you truly are will be a big benefit. Also, don't forget that no college is eager to admit a pe rson who is too close-minded to gain from being taught by other people. The Fundamentals of Do You Have to Include Your Achievement in Your College Essay Revealed You require an ultimate excuse and that's a fake doctor's note. You could however create some type of dental emergency. For instance, you may have been required to make an emergency visit to the hospital because of a sickness that came on suddenly, or you can have had a dental emergency that kept you in the dentist's office the majority of the day. For instance, you may not feel comfortable feigning a visit to the emergency space, but you might feel confident in your capacity to pull off a dental emergency. Whatever They Told You About Do You Have to Include Your Achievement in Your College Essay Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Take into consideration the piles and stacks of essays that you may have to read. There are several websites that provide templates free of charge. There's a good deal of absolutely free in fo out there. There are lots of examples online. Top Do You Have to Include Your Achievement in Your College Essay Choices Our company has been helping students for many decades, therefore we understand what you need and can guarantee that each and every paper is going to be written with no flaws or mistakes. All you have to do is to remain attentive, read testimonials online and select a company, which gives clear and transparent services. With rising human health expenses and stricter guidelines on the job, there are an ever-increasing number of people who are utilizing the physician's papers. Inside my opinion, among the most troublesome measures in every beginning is to really choose what things to do, and choose it correctly. You don't know who might wind up reviewing your form from human resources department at your organization. It is possible to describe successes on the job, for instance, or volunteer jobs you have excelled at previously. In order to make the stor y, the movie uses materials like archival records, interviews and recreations. Take into consideration the experience that you would like to write about. Do You Have to Include Your Achievement in Your College Essay Options All you have to do is manage a fake letter from your health care provider and you're all set to go. You also ought to make sure your essay is coherent your ideas flow and your arguments make sense. There's not anything wrong with big words. When you're writing about yourself, be certain you include words that explain the emotions you're feeling at several areas of the story. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Do You Have to Include Your Achievement in Your College Essay Is Wrong As you can merely make your very own particular notes, there are huge amounts of threats associated with the exact same. Once you choose to submit a fake doctor's paperwork to work, don't forget that it's now part of your record. It's understandable that you would like t o obtain a document without having to spend money. Signing a fake document isn't illegal provided that you make everything fictional. The Hidden Treasure of Do You Have to Include Your Achievement in Your College Essay The sole difference is that a fake document gives fictional details. Obviously, you might discover that it's tricky to decide on a writing company you may trust, since they flood the market to entice students with low rates and attractive promises. The personal statement or essay part of your application also needs to be distinct from the remainder of your application materials. Most applications offer space of around 500 words for you to deliver any extra information you may want to enhance your application. In case you haven't already done so, thoroughly find out more about the university that you intend to attend, and more specifically, the program that you're applying to be part of. As colleges and universities become increasingly more selective, it becom es more and harder to get accepted to the college of your selection. Therefore, even students may buy and utilize phony papers for pranking. Most students respond that manner.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease - 856 Words
â€Å"Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose.†–Keven Arnold. Memories are the part of our life that we stick by. Good or bad, memories are embossed in us and are there for life, but what if as time went by, you lost your ability to keep hold on those memories? Even worse, you begin losing your ability to communicate with words, recognizing familiar faces and places. It makes you start to feel confused and a sense of depression. What if you were or were not completely aware of the deterioration in yourself? Currently, we live in the time of growing technology. Recent improvements in the last decades dominate many of the things we have accomplished in the past. The advancements in our knowledge have brought along an ample increase in illness in the older community. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most seen and diagnosed diseases in older people. Doctors and other specialists used to think t hat Alzheimer’s disease was just a normal part of life, but later found it is a severe and undermined form of dementia. Although forms of dementia, in fact, can be cured and treated, we now have no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are indeed similar in many ways, but it is very important to understand their distinct differences. â€Å"It is estimated that more than five million Americans currently have Alzheimer’s disease; this number is expected to triple by mid-century†(AFA). Since itsShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease1642 Words  | 7 Pages Abstract Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder when brain cells degenerate and die. Alzheimer’s dieses destroys the patient’s memory within time. The mental functions of the brain also get destroyed when a person gets Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease is most commonly seen when the patient is sixty to seventy years old. In this research paper the reader will learn about the signs and symptoms, causes, course of disease, outcome and secondary diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis and survivalRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease930 Words  | 4 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Kevin Arnold from the Wonder Years said â€Å"Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, and the things never want to lose.†Memories are the things that are upheld, whether good or bad, those memories are imprinted in the mind and cannot be taken away that is, until later in life. As one ages it is natural for some memories to fade. Loss of memories and brain function deficits that occur and are not from normal aging may indicate a person is sufferingRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease3214 Words  | 13 Pages NEU ID: 001983161 Donepezil and other acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in Alzheimer’s disease Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease (AD), discovered by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907, is the most common form of dementia. The early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease is having difficulty in remembering recent events. At the advanced stage, the signs and symptoms of AD include: memory loss, confusion, trouble concentrating, frustration, irritability difficulty in saying, difficultyRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease2317 Words  | 10 Pagesthey age and the various experiences they go through. One of the most common diseases among older people is dementia. Among the different types of dementia, the most prevalent one is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It is important to look at all of the signs and symptoms of each type of dementia to see which specific type best describes a person’s condition. There is one patient in particular, Betty, who has many signs and symptoms related to dementia. Betty is a 65-year old woman who has dementia runningRead MoreSy mptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease2374 Words  | 10 PagesAs a society, we are constantly faced with negative news about different diseases and genetic disorders. One genetic disorder that has affected the lives of many is, Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia that affects and causes problems with thinking, behavior and memory. Most of the time, symptoms of Alzheimer’s develop slowly and progress and worsen over time. Eventually the symptoms become severe enough that they begin to interfere with normal and daily tasksRead MoreSymptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease715 Words  | 3 PagesAlzheimer’s disease has long been considered as a irremediable illness for old people. According to the data collected by Alzheimer s Association(2016), the overall 5.4 million American suffers from Alzheimer s disease, and this population is growing in a certain rate for majority of this population aged 65 and up. Identify possib le Alzheimer’s symptom could be rather difficult because people are lack of the awareness of their implicit illness, which later contribute to the Alzheimer s disease. AlsoRead MoreSymptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease1006 Words  | 5 PagesAlzheimer s disease is a severe illness that affects the brain and leads to gradual memory loss, reduced intellectual ability and deterioration function of thinking. Alzheimer s disease (AD), the most common type of dementia, is a progressive neurological disorder that increasingly robs individuals of cognitive, behavioral, and functional skills (Demakis, 2007). The reason for the appearance this disease is a collection of disorders in the brain due to which its cells are dying partially. In theRead MoreSymptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease2043 Words  | 9 PagesAlzheimer’s disease. It took an emotional toll on me and my family members. I believe Alzheimer is much harder on me and my loved ones than on my grandfather; because he was un aware of what was going on. It’s painful watching my grandfather degrade and get worse each and every day. The worst thing is that he doesn’t even know who I am anymore. In this paper I will discuss certain risk factors, background of Alzheimer’s, Background of Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease was first identifiedRead MoreSymptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease810 Words  | 4 PagesAlzheimer’s disease As the world becomes more happy and joyful, people haven’t stepped into the world of Alzheimer’s yet. Just imagine losing your ability to do normal things you do every day and then you can’t do them anymore. Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes changes and differences in memory, behavior, and how the person’s brain works. The symptoms of Alzheimer’s worsen over time. (Alzheimer’s Association 2015). All of the family members will be affected if one person gets this disease. ThisRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease1222 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract Alzheimer’s is a disease that attacks the brain and can result in brain death. This disease is chronic and lately a lot of elderly are being diagnosed with it. Alzheimer’s disease can be referred to as a silent killer because once a person gets the diagnosis, they will have it permanently. Alzheimer’s Patients have a decreased short-term memory; this can result with the onset of confusion. At times, families with loved ones that encounter this disease usually have to change their lifestyle
Sunday, May 10, 2020
College Essay Writing - Use College Essay Examples to Bring Life to Your Essay
<h1>College Essay Writing - Use College Essay Examples to Bring Life to Your Essay</h1><p>College paper composing will utilize an assortment of models and composing parts while making an archive. You can discover paper models in pretty much any scholastic course that is being instructed and you must have the option to effectively join these composing tips into your own school essay.</p><p></p><p>These models are generally done as an article of information and were utilized by proficient authors to demonstrate to understudies how to compose viably and obviously. While these expositions won't actually resemble the models you will run over, they can positively give valuable pointers. You should realize that all the models are there to serve the understudies with the goal that they can see how to compose appropriately. They are just a guide and you are relied upon to compose your own best form of the article without exploiting the examples.</p ><p></p><p>The one that you will locate the most supportive is the model from a school exposition which plots the primary subject of the paper. Truth be told, numerous individuals utilize this as a venturing stone towards composing an ideal essay.</p><p></p><p>However, this isn't the main way that you can exploit the school article models. You can really discover models from books, articles, and numerous different sources. In any case, be cautious since you probably won't care for the ones that you get since they won't really be a bit of leeway to you.</p><p></p><p>If you would prefer not to invest an excessive amount of energy in checking and looking at the composing tips and encouraging material then you should simply invest some time in understanding them. You should peruse them once and furthermore twice to check whether you can get a handle on the general thought of what they are attempting to state. On the of f chance that you are as of now acquainted with the topic and have a decent handle of the composing tips then it won't be that difficult for you to make your own mission statement in no time.</p><p></p><p>Just remember that the motivation behind the school article is to ensure that the author makes it understood and persuading for the peruser. Your goal is to ensure that the paper is totally dazzling and tempting to the readers.</p><p></p><p>You should attempt to locate the best models and composing tips that will assist you with doing this. In this way, don't be hesitant to test and attempt various models and composing tips until you discover one that works best for you.</p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
What Writing Strategies to Apply to an Essay?
<h1>What Writing Strategies to Apply to an Essay?</h1><p>There are various diverse composing procedures to apply to an exposition that can assist with guaranteeing that you get the best grade for your paper. Just as guaranteeing that you compose a reasonable and brief article, there are various other composing systems that you have to think about. By knowing these composing systems, you can abstain from composing botches and be certain that you can turn in an article that is top notch.</p><p></p><p>In terms of composing techniques to apply to a paper, one of the main procedures that you have to remember is to ensure that you have the correct kind of exposition. For instance, there are article composing systems to apply to an exposition on the climate. Be that as it may, in the event that you are composing a paper on the logical strategy for cooking, at that point you have to contemplate the sort of exposition that you have to write.</p> <p></p><p>There are various kinds of articles that you can take on. The primary sort of article that you can take on is what is known as a near exposition. This is a general paper that analyzes various points that you might need to expound on so as to compose an exceptionally clear and compact article. The main issue with composing a similar exposition is that it is probably going to pull in a ton of fire from readers.</p><p></p><p>Another composing methodology to apply to an article is one that includes paper composing that is conversational. This implies you will compose various short articles that are written in an increasingly conversational style. A genuine case of this is a progression of meetings that you will do with different individuals that you meet trying to compose a progression of papers that covers the entirety of the significant points in an essay.</p><p></p><p>The last composing procedures to apply to an article that you have to recollect is that when you are composing a history exposition, ensure that you recognize what you are discussing before you begin composing. Just as it being valuable to realize what history is before you start to compose, it additionally assists with abstaining from submitting regular slip-ups that are related with composing a paper that has no clue what is happening in the history that you are expounding on. For instance, it would be a misstep to overlook that Napoleon was crushed in the clash of Waterloo.</p><p></p><p>One last composing methodologies to apply to an article is to begin by composing something that gives a definite review of the subject that you need to expound on. This will assist with keeping you concentrated on the point that you are attempting to make in the paper. What's more, it likewise assists with keeping you concentrated on a specific area of the exposition as you write.</p><p></p><p >As well as these composing procedures, you ought to likewise take a gander at the nuts and bolts of how to compose a paper and gain proficiency with the fundamental contrasts between an article and a report. While a significant number of the other composing procedures to apply to an article center around the examination that is should have been done so as to guarantee that as well as can be expected be composed, the essential standards of composing a paper that incorporates composing are quite straightforward. Numerous journalists and understudies know about the basic guidelines that they have to remember when composing an article however it doesn't generally happen to them that they ought to recollect the fundamentals of composing an essay.</p><p></p><p>In terms of composing systems to apply to a paper, they are not as troublesome as they may appear. The vast majority of the composing techniques that you have to apply to an article incorporate composing tips, instances of what to expound on and normal composing mistakes that understudies make when composing. This implies it is imperative to compose with the goal of composing a paper, and on the off chance that you set aside the effort to become familiar with the rudiments of composing an exposition then you will make certain to compose an article that is satisfying to read.</p>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Atomic Bombs On Hiroshima And Nagasaki - 844 Words
During World War II Americans dropped atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing nearly 200,000 people. This resulted in Japans surrender in World War II. J. Samuel Walker analyzes this historical event in his book Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs. Over the past 70 years’ extensive research has been conducted and there is an understanding that Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs is inconclusive. It is impossible to determine that the use of the bomb was the quickest way to end the war. An analysis of President Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb reveals one challenge: was the decision to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki a show of good judgment. The most important question surrounding this issue is: should the United States have dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II? In his book Walker does not conclusively say if the use of atomic bombs was or was not necessary. On one hand it was necessary to save American troops lives and to end the war as quickly as possible. But, on the other hand if the United States did not drop the bomb they would have invaded Japan instead and that was all unnecessary because Japan was on the verge of surrender. While making this decision Truman had many advisors. One of them was Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. Stimson created the â€Å"Interim Committee†this group was comprised of military, business, and political leaders. The members of thisShow MoreRelatedThe Atomic Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1302 Words  | 6 PagesAllies almost one week after being hit with two atomic bombs. On August 6, 1945 during World War II an American B-29 bomber dropped the world s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city Hiroshima, wiping out 90 percent of the city and killing 80,000 people immediately. Three days later a second B-29 dropped another atomic bomb on the Japanese city Nagasaki, killing around 40,000 people. (The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) The Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings were necessary because it played aRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki884 Words  | 4 PagesFearful cries spread through the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the atomic bombs were dropped. Thousands of people were killed instantly, with the rest left critically injured. Eventually, it was measured that 135,000 people were killed as a result of these bombs. We know that many people were killed. But how and why were the atomic bombs created? Who decided to use them? These questions all contribute to the fact that the atomic bombs impacted the world greatly. It all started when WorldRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay1776 Words  | 8 PagesThe use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II was a controversial decision that was made by President Truman. On August 6, 1945, President Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima and three days later a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki. It brought an end to the bloody war in the Pacific after 4 years. Making Japan surrender in the face of unimaginable force and significant destruction on Japan’s soil. Nevertheless, Truman’s decisionRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1515 Words  | 7 PagesResearch Question: Was it necessary for President Truman to drop the atomic bomb in Japan? Was it necessary for Truman to drop the Atomic Bombs on Japan in World War II? On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped by a US aircraft on Hiroshima. This atomic bomb was dropped to force Japan into surrender, this bomb alone destroyed Hiroshima and over 90,000 people were instantly killed in the explosion and an additional 100,000 people perished from burns and radiation sickness. Japan refusedRead MoreThe Atomic Bombs On Hiroshima And Nagasaki1764 Words  | 8 Pagesmake the decision to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki however, President Truman was ultimately the man who made the final decision to launch ‘Little Boy’ and destroy Hiroshima, Nagasaki and their civilians, thus forcing an end to the war. Although there were many alternatives presented to President Truman, it is unknown as to whether they would have actually succeeded in ending the war or producing less casualties. Truman made the decision to drop these bombs in the heat of war but h is justificationRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1364 Words  | 6 PagesOn the 6th of August 1945 America dropped the atomic bomb by the name of ‘Little Boy’ dropped by the plane ‘Enola Gay’ on the Japanese city, Hiroshima. Three days later on the 9th of August America dropped another bombed called, ‘Fat Man’ on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. A surrender was received and accepted by America on the 15th of August and the war against Japan had ended. Harry S. Truman, the man responsible for dropping the bombs claims it ended the war more efficiently and was in fact theRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay1570 Words  | 7 PagesDespite the extreme devastation, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary. The atomic bomb is a weapon unmatched in warfare, rapidly releasing nuclear energy by fission of atomic nuclei. Desperate times call for desperate measures, which is why America chose to unleash its most deadly weapon, the atomic bomb, on Japan. America, who had already fought in World War II for over four years, had no desire to perpetuate the war. When Japan refused to surrender, America was leftRead MoreAtomic Bombs On Hiroshima And Nagasaki1074 Words  | 5 PagesThere are many different ways in which WWII could have ended. Rather than taking the risk of dropping atomic bombs on Japan, many people believe that one of the alternative options would have been much more sensible. The variety of possible options the U.S. could have taken to finish the war have been analyzed for years. Though Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki is one of the most controversial and debated topics in history, this researcher believes that he madeRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima And Nagasaki1998 Words  | 8 Pagesto drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Joon Jung 2/21/16 Word Count: 1848 Section A: Identification and Evaluation of Sources Research Question: Was it necessary for President Truman to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Was it necessary for Truman to drop the Atomic Bombs on Japan in World War II? On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped by a US aircraft on Hiroshima. This atomic bomb was dropped to force Japan into surrender, this bomb alone destroyedRead MoreAtomic Bomb On Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay1902 Words  | 8 Pagesthe United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and three days later dropped another on Nagasaki. This was a significate point in history because there has never been a bomb of this magnitude being use in an urban industrial area. Ultimately the use of the atomic bomb resulted in Japan’s surrender, which aided the allies in drawing closer to ending the war against the Axis Powers. Due to the massive destruction industrially and urbanely the use of the atomic bomb has always been questioned.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
BLOOD AND BELONGING Essay Example For Students
BLOOD AND BELONGING Essay This is a critique of the book, Blood and Belonging, by Michael Ignatieff. This paper will explain the subject of the book and its relevance, discuss Michael Ignatieffs methods and conclusions on the subject and finally include a personal critique of the book by the author of this paper. The author of the book travels on what he terms the six journeys. On these journeys he encounters different cultures, as he travels to six different coinciding areas of the world. He examines the unique expression of nationalism that each populace displays by interviewing various members of that particular society. The six areas that he travels to are specifically chosen for the clarity which nationalism is expressed in society. Nationalism is a factor contributing toward both present possible future instability in these areas. These areas are former Yugoslavia (specifically Croatia and Serbia), Germany, Ukraine, Quebec, Kurdistan and Northern Ireland. According to Ignatieff, in Croatia and Serbia there is a desire for a separate identity between the two nations. The fear of losing ones national identity has caused ethnic hatred. A terror so strong and historically persistent, it has driven people to a desperate state to do anything. This is a large contributor to the reasons for the extreme violence present there today. The author states, A Croat, thus, is someone who is not a Serb. A Serb is someone who is not a Croat.This quotation profoundly expresses the short-sighted mentality present in their conflict. In his travels in Germany, the author points out an important question. Does the nation make the state, or the state the nation? This question by far does not stop here, especially when Germany is the subject. The essence of the German people is seen by some as aggressive and offensive, thus the existence of the German problem. If the nation makes the state then Germany will always be a threat. If the state makes the nation, then the aggressive nature of the German nation, which lead the world into two global wars, can be harnessed and redirected. The question has its roots and answers in the recent reunification of Germany. The Ukraine is concerned with not being Russian. It is here Ignatieff receives a complete vision of what nationalism is. He states, I understand what nationalism really is: the dream that a whole nation could be like a congregation; singing the same hymns, listening to the same gospel, sharing the same emotions, linked not only to each other but to the dead buried beneath their feet.Quebec is a model that presents a possible future of the state system. Ignatieff uses the example of Quebec to illustrate the relationship between nationalism and federalism. He implies that if federalism fails in Canada it can fail anywhere. If the balance between ethnic and civil principles is not maintained in Canada, who is not an impoverished country and has a large, successful economy; then perhaps the modern world has not transcended the grasps of nationalism. The Kurds represent a nation without a state, who find themselves surrounded by other nations who are more aggressive nationalists. The term Kurdistan is a definition of the areas used by Ignatieff to explain the area of major Kurdish populace concentration. There is no real borders, no flag, no government and Kurds must acknowledge the state in which they reside (i.e., Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq), of which, is not Kurdistan. Finally, the sixth journey ends in Northern Ireland. He makes the observation that this is the ideal place to conclude his project. Northern Ireland contains a recurrence of the themes that seemed so prevalent in the other journeys. In Ireland ethnicity, religion and politics are all bound into one expression or identity. These are also evident in the five previous studies. Parcelforce EssayReligion and its role in society are important concerning nationalism. It is in this authors opinion that religions not be viewed as a secondary facet to nationalism. The Islamic uprisings in France and the peace talks in southwest Asia between Israel and Syria are two different perspectives to the argument. Claude Barreau, advisor to the minister of interior in France says, Foreigners arriving in France . . . now have a new fatherland. Islam has a place in France, provided it is willing to stay discreet as the other religions. But Islamist are coming as colonisers. This illustrates an underlying principal that splits Europe down the middle. France is a representation of Europe according to the late Charles De Gaulle. France has adopted internal policies to control the growth of Islam by limiting both social expressions of that faith and by specific immigration procedures. Are not the three million plus population of Moslems in France entitled to nationalistic expr ession of their identity as French Muslims?Where does that leave the Bosnian Muslims, the Turks or any other non Christian state located near or inside Europe?The second point deals with Israel and Syria. The two countries have been at odds with each other since 1947 when Israel was recognized as a state. The main reason for the clash is the difference of religion, not national identity. However, both countries have evolved since their beginnings and have strong nationalistic tendencies. Both countries are now leaning toward compromise rather than a holy war. As the talks continue for the return of the Golan Heights to Lebanon the Moslem Jew factor still remains tense. Of the recent peace talks is the strip of land called the Golan Heights in north of Israel. Avoiding an attempt to explain an extremely complex situation or to oversimplify the matter, it is a fact that many heads of state in the region are choosing political solutions to old religious problems. However, the foundatio ns of their society are religions, to be specific Islam and Judism. This religious factor will never cease and always cause instability in the region because of fundmentalism present on both sides. In conclusion, the subject of the book, Blood and Belonging, has been discussed. The relevance of the books theme was examined along with the authors methods and style of writing. This critique also addressed the conclusions drawn by Michael Ignatieff concerning nationalism and its expressions in the world. Perhaps the world will allways have to deal with the dichotomy dicussed in this paper, however one can only hope that a long lasting solution will be found. BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Ignatieff, Michael Blood and Belonging: Journeys into the New Nationalism. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1993. 2. It Depends on Rabin. The Economist, 24th-30th September, 1994, pp. 42-43. 3.Secularity Defied. The Economist, 8th-14th October, 1994, p.53. Words/ Pages : 1,886 / 24
Nuclear Waste Disposal free essay sample
How the Concerned Public is Involved in Decision Making Thesis Statement: Nuclear waste disposal is a complex process and it requires the cooperation from the public sector to aid the government and the scientists in order to ensure safe and successful nuclear waste disposal programs. I. Nuclear Waste Disposal: The Players and the Challenge A. DOE responsible for disposal B. Other entities concerned (public) C. Problems concerning waste disposal (toxicity, costs, technical difficulties etc) D. The major issues: lack of good communication between public and officials II. The Challenges of Nuclear Waste Transportation A. Volume and Radiation B. Costs C. Public fear and opposition D. Scientists vs. People III. Some Solutions: Integrating the People A. Scientists + People B. Some people (immigrants, children) might require specialized communication efforts in order to gain their participation C. Integrating professionals who can better understand the situation and the problems Nuclear Waste Disposal: The Players and the Challenge The department that is responsible for the nuclear waste disposal is the U. We will write a custom essay sample on Nuclear Waste Disposal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page S. Department of Energy (DOE). This department has to face certain very complex decisions about how and where to dispose the waste. The transportation of these hazardous materials is also very important and DOE has to come up with the best and safest possible techniques in order to do so. The citizens of the United States are also very concerned when it comes to the disposal of nuclear waste (Riley et al 1993). The most commonly perceived problem about nuclear waste is that it is extremely toxic and hazardous. People are always concerned about being contaminated. Another cleanup issue that is important is that the waste is in very large volumes and this makes its transportation very difficult. There are also very large-scale implications of the potential severe human and environmental impacts that nuclear waste can have on our soil. Disposal of nuclear waste also requires a lot of technical expertise and is a very complex process and this adds to the problems. In addition, this is a relatively new thing and there is lack of experience on the part of the people who manage nuclear waste disposal. Also involved in nuclear waste management is â€Å"a legacy of secrecy, staggering costs, a history of inequitable practices, and a jumble of intricate federal and state regulations†(Drew et al 263). The inclusion of the many decision-making entities also makes this problem more complex. These entities include â€Å"tribal, state, and local government agencies; regulators; citizen groups; and contractors†(Drew et al 263). Both the complexities of the process itself as well as the large number of decision makers involved makes nuclear waste disposal a very complex problem. It requires the cooperation from all these entities to ensure a safe and successful nuclear waste disposal programs. This article shall discuss the various ways in which everyone, including the DOE, can come together and help reach a solution that is beneficial to everyone. For the purpose of this paper, we shall consider the term ‘stakeholders. ’ This term is defined as the people who are interested in or are affected by the U. S. DOE cleanup. Citizen groups, DOE managers and contractors, regulators, the state and local governments, and the general public are all included as ‘stakeholders’. The tribal people feel that they are a separate part and thus they are referred to as being outside the definition of ‘stakeholders. ’ They shall be referred to as the ‘tribes’. Some of the questions that have to be asked in this scenario include: â€Å"What are the major issues? Who is involved and who is absent from the discussions? What information do people need, and how can it be best presented? What tools and approaches enable stakeholders and tribes to participate in meaningful dialogue with these issues? †(Drew et al 264). The answers to these questions are extremely important as they will work to provide a framework for the improvement of the current methods and also come up with new and better ways of solving the problems. To facilitate a dialogue on this situation, the Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP) took part in putting together three stakeholder and tribal interactions involving nuclear waste transport. It would be relevant to note that CRESP â€Å"is a national consortium of university-based researchers operating under a grant from the DOE. An important goal for CRESP is to improve the dialogue among decision makers, technical specialists, and interested and affected parties to create more sustainable, understandable, and acceptable nuclear waste transport decisions†(Drew et al 264). The results from these activities are presented in this paper and they provide some recommendations for DOE to make their facilities better. The Challenges of Nuclear Waste Transportation The clean up of the nuclear weapons production facilities is the responsibility of the DOE. There are some 140 sites in 26 states and territories (U. S. DOE 1999). The sizes of these sites vary as some of them are very large while others are small, being only a few acres. The largest site is the Idaho National Environmental Engineering Laboratory (INEEL) in southeastern Idaho, which is larger than 900 square miles. This used to be a weapon complex and has produced a very large amount of waste both in terms of volume (36 million [m. sup. 3]) and radioactivity (1 billion Ci) (U. S. DOE 1997a). The term ‘waste’ is used to denote â€Å"solids or liquids that are radioactive, hazardous or both (U. S. DOE 1997a). Waste comes in several forms, including high-level waste, transuranic waste, low-level waste, mixed low-level waste, residues from mining operations called tailings or 11e(2) by-product material, hazardous waste, and other waste†(Drew et al 265). The high-level waste usually emits a high level of radiation and it has the potential to be more toxic than usual. â€Å"low level waste†emits lesser level s of radiation but that does not mean that it is safer than the â€Å"high level waste†. This is one of the reasons for confusion about nuclear waste disposal and transportation among stakeholders and tribes. The waste first has to be stabilized by altering their physical or chemical properties, by changing the position of the waste, or by â€Å"erecting some physical or institutional barrier so that wastes are less likely to come in contact with people or the environment (examples of physical and institutional barriers are fences and deed restrictions, respectively)†(Drew et al 266). The cleanup activities cost almost about $6 billion per year (fiscal year 1992-fiscal year 2002) (U. S. DOE 2000, 2002). Sometimes it is necessary for transporting the nuclear wastes and other hazardous materials from one site to another. This is done to separate the waste from the smaller sites so that they can be closed and then used for other purposes. The Yucca Mountain, Nevada, has another special facility that is proposed for the long-term storage of high-level waste. This project is more than a decade behind schedule and may never open due to technical and political obstacles. There is a lot of intense opposition to the transportation of nuclear waste. According to many researches, the public is reported to have a very high fear of radiation risks than any other types of risk (Mills and Neuhauser, Slovic et al 1979, 1991a, 781-785, 36-39, 1603-1607). Answers from several surveys, the public also perceives that the specific problem of waste transportation is also very problematic. â€Å"A survey of Oregon residents about transporting nuclear waste using the state highway system found that public concerns about health and safety issues were high, while confidence and trust in public officials were low†(Drew et al 268). People in Idaho were found to be more concerned about the use of trucks to transport the transport nuclear waste (McBeth and Oakes 421-427). Feldman and Hanahan surveyed neighborhoods that were very close to a radioactively contaminated site and it was found that more respondents favored off-site management of wastes than on-site management, but noted that written comments indicated a concern with exporting or transferring the problem elsewhere, ensuring the careful transport of contaminated soil while avoiding contamination of additional sites through transport (1344-1352). In the early 1990s, the DOE realized that its nuclear waste cleanup strategy required a lot public involvement and it cannot proceed without letting the public in on the procedures and processes. This was a good idea but there are many technical complexities that are still considered to be a barrier for meaningful perception (Probst and Lowe; Bowman). â€Å"Many researchers and decision makers believe that average citizens simply cannot understand or discuss nuclear waste transport issues, radiation hazards, or regulatory requirements†(Drew et al 270). There have been many documented examples in which the average person have been involved in solving some highly complex and intricate issues and been able to implement some change that is meaningful. Kaplan (67-83) has documented the early history of public participation activities with DOE. He has strongly argued that the citizens are not mentally capable of handling complex situations that call for a lot of technical expertise. On the other hand, Bonano et al. (35-57) have depicted that the â€Å"stakeholders can work with experts on highly technical DOE cleanup decisions to formulate recommendations. Common to these examples is a concerted effort to provide participants with at least some degree of specialized knowledge, information, or training†(Drew et al 272). The important thing here is not the public but the scientists involved in the discourse. The scientists must try to open up their minds and think more on the lines of the nonprofessionals. They need to ask questions such as, â€Å"what information do participants need to engage in the process, who is participating currently in waste cleanup dialogues, and, perhaps more important, who is missing from the discussion? Finally, how can scientists present information in ways that foster participation? †(Drew et al 272). Involving the people to contribute effectively and productively is the key here and it is up to the scientists to clarify the road for the public intervention. After all, it is the public that fears the most and the scientists are working on new methods of safety for the public’s safe. This is why public involvement is very necessary for the DOE to come up with an effective and safe nuclear waste disposal program. What Should be Done: Some Themes and Lessons The most important thing that has come up with the discourses setup by the CRESP is that the scientists need to work with stakeholders and tribes to develop creative methods to make complex information accessible to the lay public. The scientists should educate the public about the possible hazards of radiation exposure and at the same time disallow the wrongful and ambiguous information that many people have in their heads. The most important group of people to be targeted for this kind of education would be the workers at a nuclear facility and also the people who live close by. â€Å"Toward that end, researchers should not only continue to explore creative applications but also evaluate their contributions to public participation processes†(Drew et al 280). A very few number of studies have been conducted on the relevance of the public participation with nuclear waste disposal programs and this is one area for future research. Some of the underrepresented groups of people might need some specialized communication efforts to ensure participation. These people can include the Spanish-speaking etc. The younger people should not be left out of this discourse either and they should also be made aware of the problems, solutions, and the need for their active role in the solutions. It is also very important to include technologically expert people from the stakeholders and tribes. These people are very important to target since they would be better able to understand the underlying problems that the DOE might be facing and thus they would be better able to help by giving their advice on the situations. Another important fact is that these experts can also disseminate the information to other people in nonprofessional terms and succeed where DOE has failed. It is difficult to have these people participate because they are very busy most of the times. In addition, many of these people felt that the issues that had to be discussed were not so important so that they never attended. Many people are simply not aware of or interested in the DOE cleanup because the issues are extremely complicated. Conclusion This article has discussed the various problems that the DOE faces in nuclear waste disposal and how these problems are elevated because of non-participation from the public sector. Even though many of the stakeholders and tribes are willing to participate in these issues, these people usually, believe that access to more technical information is required by them in order to make the participation effective and to make their decisions count. In order for the participation to be meaningful, it is very important that the decision process and the technical information should be as transparent as possible and it should also be accessible to the wide range of potential participants, which means everyone from the public sector. It was also noted that the people tend to engage in productive participation when they are allowed to interact with technical experts in a small group. The government and the DOE should come up with various methods by which they can involve more public participation and also get as much input from the public as possible. This would ensure that the DOE comes up with the best and safest possible program for nuclear waste disposal. The scientists and the government should work closely with the stakeholders and the tribal groups in order to develop programs that provide the technical resources needed for meaningful citizen participation in these complex decisions.
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